The Broughton Girls

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nana's birthday and a visit form the cousins

Our cousins from Delta came for a visit and boy, was it fun! We can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go visiting/camping in their neck of the woods! (Avery - 21 mos, Conner -11mos, Jordyn - 3 1/2 & Camryn - 4 1/2)

Camryn & Jordyn being silly.

It's hard to believe how big these girls are lately - seems like just yesterday *(sigh)*

Love to put Avery in Pigtails - she looks just like Pippy Longstocking

just a sweet pic of J

Nana's birthday party - complete with Princess crowns; of course.

1 comment:

  1. Megan thanks for the great pictures of your beautiful family. And thanks for the birthday picture of your mom, whose spirit shines in her children and grandchildren.
