The Broughton Girls

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A potty party!

It rained and snowed all weekend here in Denver 1-3 feet of wet, heavy, snow was predicted, we got about 6" of snow mixed w/ lots of rain (this is what we Coloradans know as spring) - the weather was awful so we were inside all day everyday. This was not bad though because Jordyn was potty training and Pakko was here visiting and I'd have to say that despite the weather fun was had by all.

Avery sporting a 'Mac & Cheesey' grin.
This kid can eat more macaroni and cheese then many grown men I know - she loves it!

While I was busy working on potty training Jordyn, Avery spent much of her time working on stair climbing - (her most recent favorite thing) - with Pakko who came to play with us this weekend.

Here's our big girl sporting her underpants (along with her favorite tie dyed t-shirt & crocheted rainbow bonnet & stripey socks . . .ugh - she has a definite opinion about fashion) drinking her juice box to stay well hydrated and in so doing having many opportunities to practice her potty prowess. Could she be any cuter!?

Big girls don't need diapers anymore, so Jordyn threw them all away - I saved them for Avery of course, but she doesn't need to know that! I am amazed at how well Jordyn has done. She goes potty on the toilet everytime - and has even awoken dry from 2 naps in a row. We are still working on the night time - but she's doing great for only 3 days out of diapers! I am about the proudest mama ever! What a big girl I have - keep up the good work J!

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