The Broughton Girls

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our new baby

Today Gremmy's dog Zak came to live with us

 - he needed a bath pretty bad.

But once he was clean and brushed he felt much better.

And strangely enough he and the cat are getting along famously - shocking!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Vacation Part II

Swimming! in Glenwood Springs

It was only 35 degrees out but the water was super warm.

Almost as good as a beach vacation!

These girls love swimming.

Especially with Daddy.

Jordyn is a great "silly-face" jumper

Avery was brave enough to give it a try too - with a little help.

Pool Cuties

It was a beautiful sunny Colorado day - couldn't have been nicer.

Jordyn even did some back floating.


Afterward we went out for ice cream - at a place where we got to sit on saddles!

And slept in our cozy beds at the hotel.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Winter Vacation part 1 - Ice Castles in Silverthorne

This place was amazing, if you're nearby you should go - they hope to stay open until the end of March, weather depending of course. . .

It was truly amazing to see so much ice.

Inside the castle


The girls loved it.

A rare mom photo -



Fortress of Solitude. . .

Snow Day fun

We had a snow day the other day!


Stories in bed

and snowmen the next day

Happy New Year!!!

Here comes Santa Clause

Jordyn's amazing block tower

Trying on Santa's hat

Red and Green toenails for Christmas!

Hooray for Christmas Break - friends over for lunch during a playdate swap

Gotta bake those cookies for Santa!

Chef girls


Christmas morning