The Broughton Girls

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Whirlwind Weekend in the Mountains

 We took a trip up to Dillon this weekend and there was SNOW!
Lots and lots of snow.

These girls had so much fun playing in it.

They also found the world's biggest icicle - it was at least 4 feet long and 4 inches thick!

They made snow angels too!

And some after breakfast arts and crafts.

The house we stayed at had plenty of comfy couches, but this is the way Avery watched TV

We tried Ice Skating! (It was a bit too hard for Avery yet)

Jordyn really started to get the hang of it and she LOVED it! We have to go again soon.

And we found a HUGE sled hill.

Ready, Set, GO!

It was a long climb back up the hill.

We went super fast, but it was really cold when the snow blew in our faces.

It was also pretty windy so we didn't stay too long, but everyone had a couple of runs.

And a couple of long hikes back to the top.

 We also spent some quality time with good friends, met some new friends and had fun playing in the hot tub (I don't have any pics as I was busy trying to make sure no one drowned.) Trevor even got to snowboard for the first time in 3 years! All in all - it was a much needed weekend away and everyone had a great time! FUN FUN FUN

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sweet Jordyn the artist

Finger painting.

Cute little people.

Marblized Paper

My ridiculous funny girl Avery Hana

Pig Tails!!!

Sipping a cheeseburger through a straw?!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Pictures from December 2010

Decorating our Xmas Tree

Making special cookies to send to Pakko in AK

lemons are sour

say "cookies!"

big sister was nice enough to share some of the special Xmas tree treat that she made at school - yummy!

Avery modeling the leg warmers I made for her out of the arms of a wool sweater that I felted - this is possibly my new most favorite thing to do. Aren't those baby legs so cute!

Ready to make cookies for Santa.

Sissy is already an expert.

the final product - pretty & tasty!

Avery is the quality control inspector.

Calm before the storm . . .

Avery took one look at this sled and said, "look mama, Santa brought us a boat!" It has been a very dry winter - I'm not sure she even remembers what sledding is - but the girls played in their "boat" all morning ;)

Testing out their new swingset!

 no one should be up this early - but since we were we got to witness this spectacular winter morning sunrise.

Sporting the Eskimo gear sent from Pakko in AK

At last it snowed in Denver - Jordyn couldn't wait to make a snow angel.

Avery hanging our homemade bird feeder.