The Broughton Girls

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't ask me why. . .

this is the face Jordyn likes to make every time I tell her to say "cheese".

and again . . .

2 cuties fresh out of the tub

Avery looking so sweet in her super cute 'Hip Violet' birdie shirt.

Monday, August 10, 2009

girly girls

Jordyn had her first pedicure, which she thought was just about the best ting ever. We did mine too - here we are modeling our gorgeous tootsies.

She has also gotten big enough to climb on top of the play structure. What happened to my little baby - how did she become a kid so fast. She seriously climbs like a monkey.

Both of the girls spent the morning opening all of the cabinets in the kitchen then closing them again. What fun - that's Jordyn peaking out from behind the cupboard just to the right of Avery. Thankfully no fingers were slammed in drawers.

Avery loves the new sandbox and she only really tried to eat the sand once.

Here are the 11 jars of green beans I pickled a few weeks ago - can't wait to eat them they are sooooo good.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Girls of summer - mid July

strawberry ice cream in a pink cone - doesn't get much better than that

blueberry pancakes are delicious!

Our friend Phoenix came to visit from Austin and we all had fun in the pool.

A few more from the 4th


What a little patriot.