The Broughton Girls

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Fun!

On Saturday we went to the new Highlands Farmer's Market, which was small but fun and then we went to the park up the street for some fun in the sun - before the afternoon rain began to pour - here's Jordyn on the SeeSaw.

and Ave - hold on tight!!!

Hula Hoopin' in the backyard.

Jordyn found a big puddle on the porch after one of the many afternoon rainstorms we've been having every day for the last few weeks - what fun it was to jump in.

Avery has a new friend - baby Linden, who we are taking care of this summer - she is 8 months old, and a very sweet and mellow little gal.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hairbows please!

Avery decided that she wanted to wear some hairbows. She actually pointed to them & patted her head (I think she is a genius) so despite the lack of hair we put some on. She then proceeded to look in the mirror and pat her head and smile.

Avery was so happy to sit at the big girl table and eat breakfast with big sister!

Pretty girl

a quiet moment

first lollypop - she loved it!

Fun with our cousins!

Our cousins Conner & Camryn came to see us, here is a pic of that cute baby Conner 2 months & growing like a weed. Jordyn thinks he is "soooo cuuute mommy".

Avery is an explorer - this particular morning I found her exploring in the bacthroom closet. "Look what I found!"

We spent the day at the zoo with our cousin Shelby for her 3rd birthday. We all had so much fun happy birthday Shelby!

All dressed up & fancy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

We have been wanting to check out the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs for ages, so while Trevor was off we took a trip down there, stayed in a hotel and went to the Zoo. It was a fun mini vacation, but not especially relaxing. Going anywhere with kids this little is almost more work than it's worth, but you gotta get out right?

At the zoo you can get really close to the Giraffes and feed them - Jordyn was a little intimidated by that big black giraffe tongue.

Avery was playing on her little slide the other day and I took some pictures of her being silly. She is such a ham. She took 2 steps yesterday from me to Trevor and we were all so excited! She is getting so big. It won't be long before she's running after big Sis!

My little Cupie Doll.