The Broughton Girls

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mount Falcon Park

Trevor had the week off so on Tuesday we headed up to Mount Falcon park for a hike and a picnic. Jordyn had a blast running & dancing around. This picture just proves that she is a two year old. If only I could bottle that energy!

We took some nice father daughter shots on these rocks that were really fun to climb on.

And a couple of the whole family using the timer on the camera.

It was a nice place to spend the day - not too far from Denver. We all had a great time and look forward to more hiking adventures this summer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun fun fun.

Whoa - Daddy's scooter helmet is soooo big!

Coloring - Avery wants to do everything big sis does!

Wooo Wooo Fire Girls

I was helping Jordyn in the bathroom and when I came out to see what Avery was up to this is what I found . . . ugh

Jordyn likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV so I found my old ears from my childhood trip to Disneyland and she was really excited. I can't wait to take the girls there someday. Jordyn says she likes Goofy the best.

Hot fun in the summer time!

It's been hot the last few days so we hauled out the baby pool and the girls had a blast! Avery couldn't believe how much fun it was. She splashed, she crawled around, she climbed out and then back in - so much fun!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Playin' dress up!

Spring is here at last and Jordyn is happy to be sporting summer fashion.
She likes to water with her watering can which she got as a present for doing such a good job going potty on her potty. If you look closely you can see that our Meyer Lemon tree has 2 lemons this year!

Painting the porch with water - hours of fun on a sunny day. Eating the paintbrush - equally fun! Everyone is happy!

We can't stop Avery from climbing onto and into everything!

Her first word was 'dada'.
Her second word was 'mama'.
And her third word . . .
We think it's very fitting. She is so pleased with all of her tricks.